Unbiased restaurant reviews for the Jersey Shore and vicinity. Covering all of New Jersey's Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Be sure to click on the "Readers Reviews" page and leave your own review for a restaurant that you loved or hated. Or visit one of the other pages shown on the right and give us a quick opinion of where to go for pizza, chinese, subs, seafood, etc.
Quickie Reviews
Short and sweet reviews. Got something to say but don't have time or desire to write a full review? Post a few sentences here to get it off your chest.
Burger King's new California Whopper is a joke! Don’t bother. There is more mayo on it than there is guacamole. Couldn't taste it, couldn't even find it.
Burger King's new California Whopper is a joke! Don’t bother. There is more mayo on it than there is guacamole. Couldn't taste it, couldn't even find it.